2021 Impact Report
2021 Impact Report
Impact reports
LGBTIQA+ displaced people
Forcibly Displaced People Network (FDPN) is the first registered LGBTIQ+ refugee-led organisation in Australia. It was officially registered in 2020. FDPN does not receive any funding to cover staff hours. FDPN supports LGBTIQ+ asylum seekers, refugees and forced migrants originating from non- Western countries. We are a member of Refugee Council of Australia, Settlement Council of Australia, LGBTIQ+ Health Alliance and Asia Pacific Refugee Rights Network.
Here is a snapshot of our impact for 2020-2021:
Capacity building of LGBTIQ+ forcibly displaced people
- Facilitated community connections
- Established an LGBTIQ+ Refugee Advisory Group
- Auspiced an LGBTIQ+ refugee-led project in Melbourne focusing on mental health and suicide prevention
- Run a peer-support group for LGBTIQ+ forcibly displaced people in Canberra
- Facilitated connections and referrals to relevant services.
Financial support for LGBTIQ+ forcibly displaced people
- Provided financial support to LGBTIQ+ forcibly displaced people to cope with the impacts of COVID pandemic Australia-wide.
- Provided 70 people with grocery vouchers in total value of $10,000
- Provided 30 people with phone credits in total value of $500
- Supported 25 people with rent and medical costs in total value of $9,000
- Client support accounts for 50% of our expenses.
Community knowledge building
- Ran a series of online mental health sessions for LGBTIQ+ forcibly displaced people in partnership with Meridian Inc.
- Ran a three-day retreat for queer refugee women on connection and wellbeing at the farm providing equine therapy
- Ran a workshop on online safety for LGBTIQ+ forcibly displaced people
- Grant from Masterclass with free annual memberships for 80 people (worth $22k)
Building capacity of services
- Ran professional development sessions on the inclusion of the issues of LGBTIQ+ forced displacement for 7 state and national peak bodies and organisations working with refugees and LGBTIQ+ people and Psychotherapy & Counselling Federation of Australia.
- Delivered lectures on LGBTIQ+ forced displacement for students of the University of NSW, Monash University and Melbourne University
- Completing an online training module for services on the inclusion of the issues of LGBTIQ+ forced displacement
Building evidence base
- Began the development of the national survey to document the issues that LGBTIQ+ forcibly displaced people experience with a focus on COVID impacts.
- Collected case studies from LGBTIQ+ forcibly displaced people on their experiences in Australia with regard tosafety, inclusion and service support
Policy and advocacy on LGBTIQ+ forced displacement
- Created the first Australian and global statement on action and solidarity for LGBTIQ+ forcibly displaced people called Canberra Statement on the access to safety and justice for LGBTIQ+ forcibly displaced people.
- Published a position paper on LGBTIQ+ inclusive resettlement in partnership with the Migration Council of Australia.
- Contributed to the national policy making on migration, asylum, homelessness and community sponsorship program.
- Engaged with the government and non-government stakeholders on issues of LGBTIQ+ forced displacement
Awareness raising on LGBTIQ+ forced displacement
- Ran public events such as webinars and workshops to increase the awareness on issues of LGBTIQ+ forcibly displaced people
- Created unique content on LGBTIQ+ forced displacement through social media, newsletters and blogs.
- Provided numerous media interviews and comments
Bringing issues of LGBTIQ+ displacement to the international level
- Drafted a chapter on integration of LGBTIQ+ refugees for UNHCR Handbook on Settlement.
- Guided the development of the UNHCR Global Roundtable on LGBTIQ+ Forced Displacement as a part of their Advisory Group.
- Co-led an event on gender and displacement at the 2021 Commission on the Status of Women with the Centre for Gender, Justice and Migration
- Delivered the opening plenary at Refugees, Borders and Immigration Summit, Malmo as a part of the 2021 World Pride