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2022 Impact report

2022 Impact report

Impact reports LGBTIQA+ displaced people

In the 2021-22 financial year FDPN has invested time and resources in the capacity building of the organisation.


The team achieved the following:

  • Strengthened of governance and internal processes
  • Sustained and strengthened fundraising efforts
  • Strengthened relationships with private philanthropy
  • Established a new revenue stream such as merchandise sale
  • Strengthened our fee for service offering
  • Strengthened relationships with the state/territory and Commonwealth government
  • Sustained international influence and footprint.


Here are more details on the 2022 impact and achievements:

Capacity building of LGBTIQ+ forcibly displaced people

  • Ran a peer-support group for LGBTIQ+ forcibly displaced people in Canberra
  • Facilitated connections, referrals to relevant services for community
  • Continued the operation of the LGBTIQ+ Advisory Committee

Financial support for LGBTIQ+ forcibly displaced people

  • Ongoing provision of grocery vouchers, phone credits and payment of utility bills
  • Piloting emergency relief for LGBTIQ+ Ukrainians (help with reallocation or evacuation)

Community knowledge building

  • Ran a workshop on online safety for LGBTIQ+ forcibly displaced people
  • Creation of online materials for LGBTIQ+ forcibly displaced people

Building capacity of services

  • Launched the online training module for services on the inclusion of the issues of LGBTIQ+ forced displacement
  • Delivered training sessions for settlement services
  • Partnered with Migration Council of Australia and Settlement Council of Australia to deliver a range of professional development session for their membership
  • Delivered lectures on LGBTIQ+ forced displacement for students of Monash University and Melbourne University

Building evidence base

  • Developed in co-design and (currently) running the national survey to document the issues that LGBTIQ+ forcibly displaced people experience (including obtained ANU ethics clearance)
  • Ran a consultation on the experiences of sexual violence (commissioned by LGBTIQ+ Health Australia)
  • Ran a consultation on the access to legal assistance (commissioned by Refugee Advice and Casework Service)

Policy and advocacy on LGBTIQ+ forced displacement

  • Contributed to the national advocacy on increased resettlement spaces for Afghans
  • Made representations to the Department of Home Affairs on a range of LGBTIQ+ displacement issues including through submissions
  • Participated in the national LGBTIQ+ refugee advocacy group

Awareness raising on LGBTIQ+ forced displacement

  • Created unique content on LGBTIQ+ forced displacement through social media, newsletters and blogs
  • Participated in a wide number of events across Australia and gave media interviews

Bringing issues of LGBTIQ+ displacement to the international level

  • Guided the development of the UNHCR Global Roundtable on LGBTIQ+ Forced Displacement as a part of their Advisory Group and led the closing plenary of the event
  • Presented at the US government roundtable on LBQ refugee women