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You belong!

We are here for you. Our team is led by LGBTIQA+ refugees, and we work hard to represent your voice and experiences. We understand the challenges you face, and we are here to support you in any way we can. You are not alone. We are stronger together!


  • Connect you with the community.
  • Refer you to trusted services.
  • Offer training and invite you to events.
  • Keep you informed about upcoming opportunities.
  • Involve you as experts with lived experience.


Unfortunately, FDPN cannot offer the following:

  • Assist with resettlement to Australia.
  • Provide financial assistance including gift cards.
  • Provide migration and legal advice.
  • Provide mental health assistance.



Join our Advisory Group

Your lived experience of LGBTIQA+ displacement makes you an expert!

We invite you to join our Support, Advocacy, and Migration Experts (SAME) Advisory Group.

The SAME Advisory Group is designed to involve LGBTIQA+ individuals with experience of forced displacement in shaping FDPN’s advocacy and initiatives. As a member, you will:

  • Share your views on LGBTIQA+ displacement issues.
  • Participate in consultations and/or projects highlighting issues that LGBTIQA+ forcibly displaced people experience
  • Provide advice on FDPN’s projects to ensure they meet the community’s needs.


  • Meetings are held every 6-8 weeks online.
  • Members receive training.
  • Members receive a payment for each meeting or opportunity.
  • No prior experience is needed; lived experience is what matters.


If you’re interested, you can submit your interest below.

Build your skills!

We are creating online trainings with help from our advisory group SAME. These trainings are for LGBTIQA+ people who have experienced displacement. They will offer useful and empowering content that helps to build your skills.

More training is coming soon!

Love, sisterhood, belonging

Love, sisterhood, belonging

Queer Sisterhood Project

Queer Sisterhood Project is a peer-run support and advocacy group aimed to provide a space of community and belonging to queer refugee women. 

The group was established in 2018 to support all women (based on the self-identification) who are identifying as queer (homosexual, bisexual, lesbian, same-sex attracted, pansexual or asexual) and have asylum seeker, refugee or migrant background in Australia because of the persecution on the grounds of gender or sexuality.

Reach out to discuss how to be involved.

Safe and healthy

Safe and healthy

Sexual health resources

You have the right to be healthy, love our bodies, feel safe, and build respectful, thriving relationships.

Explore our Safe and Health Project and read our new comic about sexual health of LGBTIQA+ forcibly displaced people. Together We Stand: The Pod Squad Story isn’t just another resource filled with links—it’s a story of community, resilience, and care.

Meet the Pod Squad

An illustration of a diverse group of individuals huddled together, conveying a sense of unity, compassion, and support. The group includes people of different genders and ethnic backgrounds, with expressions of empathy and care. The monochrome palette enhances the emotional depth of the image

Together We Stand Comic – English

Read Piece
An illustration of a diverse group of individuals huddled together, conveying a sense of unity, compassion, and support. The group includes people of different genders and ethnic backgrounds, with expressions of empathy and care. The monochrome palette enhances the emotional depth of the image

Together We Stand Comic – Chinese

Read Piece
An illustration of a diverse group of individuals huddled together, conveying a sense of unity, compassion, and support. The group includes people of different genders and ethnic backgrounds, with expressions of empathy and care. The monochrome palette enhances the emotional depth of the image

Together We Stand Comic – Arabic

Read Piece

you are safe

you are safe

Do you need to find a support service?

If you have any questions or inquiries about our initiatives, resources, or how you can get involved, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We are here to assist and explore how we can support you or work together. Reach out, and we will see what we can do to help.

LGBTIQA+ refugee-led groups around Australia

Explore existing support groups that are fully led by LGBTIQA+ forcibly displaced people.


If you run an LGBTIQA+ refugee or migrant-led group and want to have it listed on our website fill out this form: https://wkf.ms/3WYmd57.

ACT (Canberra)

Reach out to us! FDPN is running a peer group in Australia to connect LGBTIQA+ forcibly displaced people.

VIC (Melbourne)

Queer Refugee And Asylum Seeker Peers is a growing community of LGBTQI+ refugees and people seeking asylum, a peer led social support group that meets regularly for activities, excursions, workshops and trainings, referrals, connections, networking, and emotional and practical support, and a “queer family” for both QRASP members and their friends and allies.

QLD (Brisbane)

Third Queer Culture is a peer social group for LGBTIQ+ people from diverse backgrounds who have an experience of seeking safety in Australia.

Specialist support for LGBTIQA+ displaced people

Below are some organisations that have dedicated support services for LGBTIQA+ forcibly displaced people. The list below does not represent all organisations across Australia.


If you work for an organisation that has some dedicated support for LGBTIQA+ forcibly displaced people and you want to have it listed on our website, fill out this form: https://wkf.ms/3WYmd57

NSW Service for the Treatment and Rehabilitation of Torture and Trauma Survivors (STARTTS)

The program provides peer-led support groups run by people with lived experience. These groups are open to anyone who identifies as having a diverse gender, sexuality or body and is an asylum seeker, refugee or has a refugee-like background. Groups are anonymous and confidential spaces where people can be themselves amongst their peers, share information, knowledge, be referred to services.

NSW Asylum Seekers Centre – LGBTIQ Community Support

The Asylum Seekers Centre supports a peer group for clients who identify as part of the LGBTQI+ community. The group meets regularly, providing opportunities for social connection with access to events, dinners, nights out and guest speakers.

NSW Refugee Advice and Casework Service (RACS)

RACS provides free legal advice, assistance and representation for financially disadvantaged and vulnerable people seeking asylum in Australia.

Their lawyers are specially trained to support refugees who identify as LGBTQI+ in accessing safety in Australia.

stronger together

stronger together

Report discrimination

We know that LGBTIQA+ forcibly displaced people face very high rates of discrimination. Discrimination is when someone is treated unfairly or differently because of who they are. Discrimination happens in many places like community services, housing, and jobs. It occurs because of a person’s race, migration status, sex, gender, sexual orientation, or disability. We also know that many people are scared to report discrimination.

No one in our community should have to deal with any form of discrimination. Let’s work together to make a safer, more inclusive community.

We want to help you.

Why We Collect These Reports:

  • To understand how often discrimination happens in our community.
  • To see if we can help you resolve discrimination or refer you to someone who can.

Your data will be kept confidential. If you choose, we will work with you to help you find solutions.

Other ways to involved with FDPN

If you want to be connected with us, there are more ways to be involved. Check the form below.

Information for LGBTIQA+ forcibly displaced people overseas

This information is for LGBTIQA+ people seeking asylum and refugees currently outside of Australia. 

FDPN is running an LGBTIQA+ refugee community sponsorship project where we help create sponsor groups from private citizens who then sponsor an LGBTIQA+ refugee to be resettled to Australia.

Under Australian rules, refugees who need urgent help are chosen by the UNHCR and referred to us by the Australian government through the CRISP program.

Unfortunately, this means we cannot help individual refugees or persons seeking asylum who are overseas and want to come to Australia on their own.