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2022 A Migration System for Australia’s Future review

2022 A Migration System for Australia’s Future review

Submissions LGBTIQA+ displaced people

This submission is made to the Department of Home Affairs consultation on ‘A Migration System for Australia’s Future’.


Summary of recommendations:
  1. Ensure that gender mainstreaming and LGBTIQ+ inclusion are embedded in the Migration Program across its continuum (from visa application process to settlement)
  2. Abolish time expiry of the English test results.
  3. Extend access to social security and Medicare to all people on temporary visas.
  4. Ensure that services funded to work with refugees and migrants are required to undergo a comprehensive training on working with LGBTIQ+ forcibly displaced people
  5. Fund the Forcibly Displaced People Network as an LGBTIQ+ refugee peak body.
  6. Ensure that prevention of discrimination and sexual harassment at workplaces is inclusive of LGBTIQ+ experiences.