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2020 Homelessness in Australia Inquiry

2020 Homelessness in Australia Inquiry

Submissions homelessness

This submission was made to the Inquiry into Homelessness in Australia by the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Social Policy and Legal Affairs. In this submission we highlight increased housing stress and risks of homelessness for LGBTIQ+ people seeking asylum and refugees in Australia.


Summary of recommendations:
  1. Expand access to income support and Medicare benefits to all people seeking asylum and other people on temporary visas.
  2. Ensure age, gender, diversity and disability disaggregated data collection on refugees and people seeking asylum.
  3. Ensure that the national housing strategy is gender responsive and includes ambitious goals to reduce homelessness and increase affordable housing stock.
  4. Ensure adequate funding to specialist homelessness service and services working with people seeking asylum, refugees, migrants and LGBTIQ+ persons to increase their capacity to provide housing assistance.
  5. Ensure adequate investment in social and public housing that is culturally safe and accessible by building design standards.
  6. Ensure adequate funding to services working with people seeking asylum, refugees and LGBTIQ+ persons to increase their capacity and engage in ongoing training and professional development on this issue.